Gwendolyn Elise DiMaggio

Born February 20th, 2004
7 pounds, 13 ounces
20 inches long



A week or so prior
A week or so prior, with big sister Moira

These are all from the hospital

Official Weighing
What the heck is going on here?
With Dr Litzinger
With mom
More mom
Meeting big sister Moira

At home

Dad's feeling his age
Getting a hug from big sister
Dad and the girls

4 months

Big smile!
Big drool!

Glam photoshoot, crap scan by Walmart

On a pile of leaves
In the flowers
With Moira
With Moira again

Halloween, 2004

The cuteness, it burns...

Halloween, 2005

Dad and Gwen
Gwen and Moira
Gwen and Moira again
Group picture


She can't pull it off this way